"I never told my ambitions and efforts and failures to anyone. I listened unmoved to the sneers and ridicule of various relatives who thought my scribbling rank folly and waste of time. That never disturbed me at all. Down, deep down, under all discouragement and rebuff I knew I would arrive someday." - Lucy Maud Montgomery

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Silent Night is Silent


I still can't get over the fact that every time I upload a video, Youtube decides to make use of the ugliest frame as the video's thumbnail. I look like I'm angry, but the truth is I just frowned for half a second. I had three frames to choose from and, trust me, this was the best one.

Anyway, this was recorded on May 9th. As you can see, it was not a great night. My mother was sick with a kidney stone that wouldn't pass, along with other maladies. Just one of those nights were I sit in my room and ponder about life, the universe and the amount of Hot Pockets I have left in the freezer, while I play nurse, and pretend I'm fine.

I'm not used to recording myself. At least I haven't done so in many years. I do have dozens of audio cassettes of 'radio shows' I did for myself when I was 9 or 10. I would improvise and play songs and those shows were actually damn good, now that I think about it. Those tapes are around the house somewhere. Someone teach me how to make them into files I can transfer to the computer!

But I digress.

It was not a good night that night. And the silence was seriously freaking me out. I'll be the first one to admit I avoid others. I don't chat, I don't skype and I can't keep up with the ever-changing digital world fads. I'm trying to join the 21st century. Trying, I say.

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