"I never told my ambitions and efforts and failures to anyone. I listened unmoved to the sneers and ridicule of various relatives who thought my scribbling rank folly and waste of time. That never disturbed me at all. Down, deep down, under all discouragement and rebuff I knew I would arrive someday." - Lucy Maud Montgomery

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Monday, May 30, 2011

And then they called her Wicked Z

Because they decided who she should be
Before she could speak, before she could see
That after a footstep, it was better to leave.

Wicked is this, Wicked wants that
All the fat cows gave her a hat
And they wiped their asses with them
To make stains shaped like cats.

She worked and she wept, day and night,
But not once did she show any fright
Wicked, little darling, just don't you try,
To fool them into getting into a fistfight.

Because this one thing you must understand
They really don't need a helping hand
Wicked are they (oh this is grand)
And for sure they will fall from where they stand

On their own, and this you will see,
Fall to the ground, like an old, heavy tree,
Because you've done no wrong,
Not one time or three

Wicked are they, but you have the name,
And keep it you should, for you're still the same
Leave them be and keep your lips sealed
Their true ugly nature, in time, is always revealed.

Things that rhyme with 'History'








Kill it...

Just kill it now.

Forget History. Buy shoes. Pumps. Bitches love pumps.

A 19-year-old making plans

Okay so we can, like, load our stuff in my car and take it to your place 'cause tomorrow's my sister's birthday party so I'm gonna need to get everything done before that. Or maybe we can, like, hold it someplace til next week. I'm not sure how long it'll take 'cause I texted him earlier today but, like, he said we couldn't do it so now I have to wait till tomorrow afternoon 'cause, like, my class it's at 7am and I have a test on Wednesday which is, like, sooooo retarded. I told my boyfriend if he could come pick me up, but he has a game on Sunday so, like, I gave a call to my roommate but she's back home for the weekend so now I have to do this shit myself. I have to go to Target first and buy some things, but I lost my dad's card so now I have to pay cash which is bullshit as he's, like, being a total asshole about it. I think we should take everything to Lindsay's house 'cause I not she has space there for sure 'cause her dad has, like, an extra room for things when they moved from Michigan. Um... if not we could always wait a few hours, unless he texts me, but I doubt it 'cause his phone's been off, like, all day. I mean, like, seriously what's the deal with that? I have to pick up my friend first at her job 'cause she finishes at 10 so that gives me fifteen minutes to get ready, then we can pick you up and then we can head to Kyle's house 'cause Brandon's gonna be there and he has like this, like, huge-ass pick up truck.

You think we should do that, right??????

It's Always There (This Is Me)

Listen to a song again after 20 years. When you are 4 or 5 you don't have yet a real concept of time. You don't know that in twenty five years, a song will still be with you.

Dance to it. Like you did before, but better. Like it's the first time and the last. No room for analysis.

Music. It's always with you, it's always there, even when you think you've forgotten it.

Blame technology, despise it, hate it even. But admit it brings you things you thought lost. It brings you things you never thought you'd get to hear. Like an extended version of a song.

The song is like you. A different, more complex version of the original, yet, in essence, the same.

The song IS you. What you felt about it, what you remember, whatever it contains so it stays with you. It's a part of you.

It's still there.

And it's not going to leave you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Silent Night is Silent


I still can't get over the fact that every time I upload a video, Youtube decides to make use of the ugliest frame as the video's thumbnail. I look like I'm angry, but the truth is I just frowned for half a second. I had three frames to choose from and, trust me, this was the best one.

Anyway, this was recorded on May 9th. As you can see, it was not a great night. My mother was sick with a kidney stone that wouldn't pass, along with other maladies. Just one of those nights were I sit in my room and ponder about life, the universe and the amount of Hot Pockets I have left in the freezer, while I play nurse, and pretend I'm fine.

I'm not used to recording myself. At least I haven't done so in many years. I do have dozens of audio cassettes of 'radio shows' I did for myself when I was 9 or 10. I would improvise and play songs and those shows were actually damn good, now that I think about it. Those tapes are around the house somewhere. Someone teach me how to make them into files I can transfer to the computer!

But I digress.

It was not a good night that night. And the silence was seriously freaking me out. I'll be the first one to admit I avoid others. I don't chat, I don't skype and I can't keep up with the ever-changing digital world fads. I'm trying to join the 21st century. Trying, I say.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Clio - Faces (1985)

A few days ago I rediscovered the song "Faces" by Electric Youth (2009). It had been hiding in my iTunes for over a year. The song, to me, was perfection, but deep inside something was eating at me and I couldn't quite pinpoint why. As always, a little Youtube-ing brings out the truth. Turns out it was originally recorded by Clio in 1985. I'm not even going to pretend to know who Clio is, but let's face it, her version is much more satisfying.

At least to me.